Orthopedic trauma refers to a severe physical issue of the skeletal or muscular system brought about by an external force, like a fall or a car accident. While this kind of injury isn't consistently perilous, it tends to be life-changing, which is the reason it's significant to seek clinical attention from Dr. Aashish A. at an emergency hospital in Vijayawada immediately.

What are the causes?

Most frequently, traumaticorthopedic injuries are brought about by:

  • Falling
  • Being involvedin a motorcycle accident or car
  • Physical violence
  • Being harmed while playing a sport
  • Cataclysmic events


Accidents occur, yet there are a few basic things every individual can do to lessen their traumaticinjury risk.

  • Continuously wear a seat belt while driving
  • Continuously wear a helmet while trekking, skating, rollerblading, and so forth
  • Wear the suitable safety gear while playing sports
  • Stretch and do a warm-up exercise prior to working out or playing a sport to forestall muscle injury

Those at a higher risk of injury, either because of a condition that debilitates the bones or causes a loss of balance, may have to take additional precautions:

  • Wear comfortable, low-heeled shoes with great traction to try not to trip or slipping
  • Use night lights to forestall stumbling over objects in the dark
  • Add small ramps to doorways and regions with raised flooring

Converse with your doctor about more ways of changing your lifestyle to stay away from injury or how to make your home more secure for a friend or family member.

Converse with your emergency trauma doctor at the orthopedic trauma hospital in Vijayawada about more ways of changing your lifestyle to stay away from injury or how to make your home more secure for a friend or family member.

Make an Appointment for any health care issues
