Neuro Oncology is a forte of medicinefocuses onbrain cancers and spinal cord. Cancersrelated with the nervous system are often serious conditions that in the long run become perilous.

Neuro oncology diagnosis depends upon the imaging studies to find out the location, size and extent of the tumor. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the common types of techniques utilized. Other tests which are utilized include positron emission tomography (PET), mylegraphy and angiography. In few cases, a lumbar puncture and analysis of cerebrospinal fluid are needed.

What is the Treatment of neuro oncology?

The three primary therapy ways to deal with cancers of the central nervous system incorporate chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. Radiotherapy is a significant treatment for central nervous system tumors and has been displayed to further improve thesurvival among those with both primary and metastatic tumors.

Chemotherapy and corticosteroids are utilized commonly to minimize and control the symptoms. Palliative care and end-of-life care are focused on rendering symptomatic relief and enhancing the quality of life that patients still have.

neuro oncologist in Vijayawada

We believe that every persistent is unique. That’s the reason the brain tumor experts work with every person and their family to foster a complete plan that gives optimal treatment and enhanced quality of life. Our neurosurgery doctors in Vijayawada takes at neuro-oncology hospital into account the following while considering the treatment choices:

  • Age
  • Overall wellbeing
  • Type, area and size of the tumor
  • Risk factors
  • All individual’s necessities and preferences

Consult Dr. IndraMohan T. who is the best neuro-oncologist in Vijayawada. He provides a comprehensive range of neurology services to all patients suffering from various neurology illnesses.

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