Arthroscopy in Vijayawada is a surgery performed by an arthroscopy specialist in Vijayawada, Dr. Ratnakar Rao R. during which the inner structure of a joint is inspected for diagnosis and treatment of issues inside the joint. In arthroscopic examination, a tiny cut is made in the patient's skin through which pencil-sized instruments that have a small lens and lighting system (arthroscope) are passed. The arthroscope amplifies and illuminates the joint structure with the fact transmitted through fiber optics. It is connected to a TV camera and the inside of the joint is displayed on the TV screen.

The benefits of arthroscopy when compared with traditional open surgery include:

  • More smaller cuts
  • Minimal soft tissue injury
  • Less post-operative pain
  • Quicker healing time
  • Lower infection rate

Arthroscopy at the arthroscopy hospital in Vijayawada has transformed the manner in which orthopedic specialists can diagnose and treat joint issues. It offers more secure, minimally invasive surgeries with less pain and recovery time.

The Board-certified orthopedic doctor in Vijayawada at Assure hospitals have long years of experience and mastery in arthroscopic surgery. Our doctors are specialized in various body regions with the goal that we can offer you an expert for your unique joint issue – no matter what it happens to be. If you are having joint pain or mobility issues, reach us today. We'll assist you in getting back to the activities you love.

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